May 27, 2009

February 12, 2009

  • I also realize my xanga looks like shit.  ah well, I just type stuff on here anyway, and only Daisy reads it.  But we’re both pieces of shit so who cares right? =]

  • Confused..

    I realized that I’ve been confused all my life, and I’m still confused.  I think I’ll always be confused.

    That’s just how I am.

December 1, 2008

  • So today is the beginning of the week of supposed torture of cramming a quarter’s worth of information in the week before finals. I’m sitting here at Price Center Theater waiting for class to start and I realize that there’s only a week until finals.  The first quarter of college is already ending.  Come to think of it, it still feels like we hadn’t left for college but a little while ago.  The quarter system is fast, I agree.  But I swear I could wake up and drive to to attend high school, and it would hardly feel any different.

    Anyway, I was on the train yesterday and started to type something.  I think I’ll finish it later today, after class ends.

    And I think I’ve decided to quit gaming.

    change major on ucsd site

October 22, 2008

  • To be or not to be..

    Alright, I’ll stfu and cut the crap.

    So anyway, the past few days have been killer for me, in terms of sleep depravity.  And literally yesterday night, I didn’t sleep, at all.  No matter how bad that sounds, I was studying for math for the most part.  Yet that isn’t the important part, besides the minor frustration of failing despite all the study.  Thing is, when I’m sleep deprived, I am either in one of two possible moods.  One, I’m either super hyper and not tired at all.  Or two, I’m tired, but since I’m walking around I’m not quite falling asleep.  When the latter occurs, I become either bitter, or just more serious and less lackadaisical.  What ends up happening is then I get all philosophical, or you could just say, plain thoughtful.

    I actually thought about quite a few different, yet interesting topics that people could relate to in their everyday lives.  Though there must be more than what I’m about to record, there are indeed one that sticks out worthy of remembering.  While I was walking around today, I began to observe people (or every other day as well, for I seem habitually do this).  I’ve always liked to observe people.  I guess at a first impression you might consider it rude or awkward as you’re reading this.  The way I see it, if no one really notices, and I’m not really staring at them down, it’s perfectly fine to just glance at people.  I guess my only problem is every single person that is within my position of vision, I would literally glance at a couple of times, or even once is just fine.  Apparently I’ve “mastered” the art of absorbing a lot of information from just a single glance.  Anyway, the important aspect of this habitual action isn’t the simple observation of people, but what I get from doing it.  It’s always been a curiosity of mine to wonder exactly who everyone is.  It doesn’t matter that they’re probably someone I’ll never meet, or even never see again in my life.  It’s just, behind every single face there’s a story.  Everyone has their own lives, their problems, their drama.  And furthermore, everyone’s unique in terms of the mixture of what makes them who they are.  Pretty much the pure curiosity is enough to entertain me.  There’s isn’t just simply one large story that defines a person too.  Every small detail of every single person has a story behind it.  So when I glance at someone, and notice their hairstyle, their jewelry such as earrings or rings per say, their shoes and dress.  Everything has a little story behind it, a reason as to why a person is a certain way in certain aspects.  Even people’s personality, how they walk, and how they hold stuff can really describe and define who someone really is.  A lot of times, I feel like I can imagine a story for them, just by looking at them, and create details that fit every facet of their character.

    When it comes down to activities that those people who I see are committing themselves to would also incite more whimsical thoughts.  I would consider what they’re doing and then wonder why they’re doing what they’re doing.  Who they’re really doing it for.  Perhaps studying isn’t for themselves but for their parents?  Maybe they attend a seminar but have no interest in it at all, but are purely attending because their friends are going.  And why are those friends going?  There’s just too many things to think about.  But the thing is, small things make everyone unique.  They all have their own story and that’s what make them who they are, and who they are alone.  There are no two stories that are the same.  It’s the pure notion that everyone has their own unique story that makes everyone so special.  But even more complicated is how people’s stories are always filled with intersections when they meet people and their stories intersect here and there in their life stories.  Everyone has bits and pieces of their stories that are shared among other’s stories as well, and that’s when their stories intersect.  After it comes down to this I realize that I don’t want our stories to intersect.  I want them to connect.  I want to make our own story.  And then it hits me hard.  I’m not supposed to be a kid anymore.

October 20, 2008

  • Well here I am, 7:30ish in Econ class and I am utterly dead right now.  Freakin tired as hell, make me realize how sleep deprived I am -.-.  So yea, after this, and math, I’m going to grab a real quick breakfast grub and nap as much as I can.  Have to get my energy back because of my math midterm on Wednesday.  I put my alarm at 6:48 so I could take a shower first.  I ended up just going back to sleep and waking up at 7:10.  I was a little late and I rushed out as fast as I could after stuffing everything into my backpack.  I don’t even remember anything, especially not turning off my alarm clock.  Furthermore, I have no idea how I made it to class on time, my eyes even NOW are still barely even open.  My hairs a mess, which I didn’t really find out about until I used a restroom at school; (no wonder people kept looking at me all funnylike on the bus LOL.

    Anyway I started to play wow again, which is freakin time consuming.  Atleast I’m done with levelin to level 70 which is usually the most time engrossing, so hopefully I’ll play less.  There’s so much freakin crap to do.  Atleast I’m waking up while I’m typing this post.

    Well class is about to start, and I rather not have my xanga open or else I might start making some crack comments about this class or the teacher.  I honestly woulda just slept in if it weren’t for getting my midterm 1 back ><

October 14, 2008

July 5, 2007

July 4, 2007


    physics test received (yesterday)

July 3, 2007

  • I’m going to start labeling each of my posts. Hmm, whats an easy way to differentiate between, boring everyday journal that has every boring moment of my day during that day, and something that other people besides myself might be interested in reading, or hell I might be boring the hell out of all the people who actually read my xanga if they try to read every blinking post to figure out what is actually worth reading, and what is what I just want to read when I’m 100 years old >.>

    anyway i shall finish this post, and all my other posts later… ( i missed 7/1.. how gay, i’ll just post twice on this day then.. ;( )

    i will finish these xangar posts later tonight tho… promise!! x.x!!

    phys test
    dunt remember, try to remember later

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